Examples of using configuration tools

Below, exemplary situations in which it is possible to use configuration tools in order to maintain nomenclature cohesion of objects present in the system, are described.


In CA Clothes&Beauty company customer/vendor must have information about country prefix and subsequent number on the list included in its code.

First, it is necessary to determine country prefix as a value of attribute assigned to center in which a given customer/vendor is added to the system. In order to do so, the following data is entered by a user. To do so, the user adds attribute Prefix of List type with the following values: FRA, POL and GER. Then, assigns the attribute to the object Company Structure Center and assigns appropriate attribute values to particular company structure centers.

Then, the user adds a new configuration tool for Customer/Vendor object with attached field Code and the following functions selected:

  • Center – this function must retrieve 3 characters of country prefix and therefore, in the function arguments, the following options are defined for it:
    • Field – Attribute
    • Attribute Name – Prefix
    • Number of characters – 3
    • From Character – 0
  • Subsequent Number – this function must provide subsequent number of a customer/vendor and therefore, in the function arguments, the following options are defined for it:
    • No Separator
    • Number of Digit –10
    • Start Number – 1
    • Numbering of Unique Codes – selected

Next, the saved item configuration tool must be attached to customer/vendor group pattern. In order to do so, option Configuration Tool must be selected instead of Code Format next to Code field and appropriate configuration tool must be selected from the list.

When adding a new customer/vendor from the level of center Trade Department (POL), the customer/vendor code will be automatically filled in with default values according to the defined configuration tool functions: POL0000000001.

Adding a subsequent customer/vendor from the level of center Trade Department (FRA) will automatically fill in its code with values: FRA0000000001.


In CA Clothes&Beauty company code of each item included in item group Clothing must include information about item manufacturer, its brand, CN code and year of manufacturing, as well as have an image assigned.

Before adding a configuration tool, the user has to:

  • Add values g., ABC, DEF, GHI in Item Brands generic directory
  • Define <<CN codes>>, g., 85299092, 85299094
  • Add attribute Year of Manufacturing of List type with values, g., 2014, 2015, 2016 and attach it to object Item
  • Manufacturer – this function must retrieve only first four characters from manufacturer code and therefore, the following options are defined for it:
    • Default value – COMARCH
    • Number of characters – 4
    • From Character – 0
  • CN Code – this function must retrieve two characters of CN code, starting from 6. sign of a code and therefore, the following options are defined for it:
    • Field – CN Code
    • Default value – 85299092
    • Number of Characters –2
    • From Character – 6
  • Brand – this function must retrieve four characters from brand values, whereas in case of a shorter expression, it must replace the first character with an underline “_” and therefore, the following options are defined for the function:
    • Field – Value
    • Default value – ABC
    • Number of Characters – 4
    • From Character – 0
    • Completion Sign – “_”
    • Completion of Missing Characters – Prefix
  • Attribute – this function must retrieve Year of Manufacturing attribute and therefore, the following options are defined for it:
    • Attribute Name – Year of Manufacturing
    • Default Value – 2016
    • Number of Characters – 4
    • From character – 0
  • Attachment – this is an additional function which must automatically add a specific image to a new item and therefore, the following options are defined for it:
    • Default value – any attachment added in Comarch ERP Standard system

Next, the saved item configuration tool must be attached to Clothing item group. In order to do so, option Configuration Tool must be selected instead of Code Format next to Code field and appropriate configuration tool must be selected from the list.

When adding a new item to Clothing item group, code/name of the item will be automatically filled in with default values according to the defined configuration tool functions: COMA92_ABC2016. Moreover, that item will have attribute Year of Manufacturing with value 2016 attached in tab Attributes as well as a selected image added in tab Attachments.

Changing manufacturer, CN code, brand or attribute values on the form will update relevant value in item code/name.

























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