Introduction to retrieving prices on documents

The possibility of defining many price lists valid at the same time allows for handling prices depending on a customer/vendor, currently applicable promotions or a center in which a transaction takes place.

A price for an item is fixed during its addition to a document and the change of:

  • date on a document
  • main customer/vendor on a document
  • center on behalf of which a document is being issued (field Owner on a document form)
  • item code on a document
  • feature of an added item (only when changing a feature for which parameter Price List has been checked on an item form)
  • unit
  • price type
  • quantity (in case of using threshold price lists)

Regardless of transaction type, when fixing a price, only those price types are taken into account, which are simultaneously available for:

  • center in which a document is being issued (logged-in center)
  • center on behalf of which a document is being issued (a center being a document owner)
  • operator group to which a currently logged-in operator belongs and which is available in a logged-in center
In case of retrieving prices for set components with checked parameter Retrieve elements onto document, the system first searches for price for set components. If it does not find such a price list, it searches for prices of items which belong to the set.

In case there are several price lists which fulfill described criteria, a price on a document is always retrieved from the most current price list, that is in which:

  • date Effective Until is the closest to the date of issue of a document or
  • activation date for a given item is the closest to the date of issue of a document [/alert]

[Alert]If an operator group has permission Modification of confirmed price list granted, an operator logged-in within such a group can freely edit prices in a price list. However, if he/she modifies prices or a threshold in an active price list, then activation date for individual items can be later the activation (confirmation) date of the whole price list. [/alert]

If no price type fulfills all the above-mentioned criteria, the system sets:

  • price type – default for a center on behalf of which a document is being issued
  • price on documents for received items equal 0
  • price in documents for released items:
    • retrieved from the most up-to-date price list, created on the basis of a price type which includes an item with the same item, price unit and features as the ones of a document item
    • if it does not find any price list with such an item and an additional unit of measure has been selected on a document item, it retrieves a price from the most up-to-date price list, created on the basis of that price type and containing an item with the same item and features, but with a basic unit of measure of that item. Additionally, it recalculates this price to a price for an additional unit according to the unit conversion calculator defined on an item form
    • if it does not find any price list containing the right item, it sets the price 0
An exception to these rules constitutes the operation of copying documents. In this case a price type and a price are always transferred directly from the source document, even if an operator who is copying a document does not have access to price types present in the source document. However, if an operator changes a price in the source document, it will not be possible to set again a price type to which he/she does not have access.
To fix price of a document item, the system uses only active price lists and price list whose date Effective until has not yet exceeded.

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