Questionnaire templates

The system provides the user the possibility of creating his/her own questionnaires based on previously defined questions and answers. A list of questionnaire templates is available from the level of Configuration → CRM → Questionnaire Templates.

The Questionnaire Templates list presents templates defined in the system.

The questionnaire form is composed of dedicated tabs General and Objects, as well of standard tabs: Attachments and Change History.

The process of defining of question of which a questionnaire is composed is described in article Defining questionnaire. Before saving a template, it is necessary to complete Name field.

To be able to use a defined questionnaire template, it is necessary to assign it to an object for which it is supposed to be available. From the level of the tab Objects, it is necessary to assign a template for:

  • Customer/Vendor
  • Employee
  • Contact
  • Meeting
  • Contact person

Objects assigned to a questionnaire will be also available on the tab Objects of the questionnaire form.


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