Trading periods independent of accounting periods

Upon the addition of the first trading period, the system verifies whether some documents have already been added in the database. In the case where:

  • No transactions have been registered – the system sets the following dates:
    • From – the first day of a current month
    • To – the last day of a current month
  • Transactions have been registered – after the user adds the first trading period, when the beginning date of this period is later than the first transaction’s date, the system automatically adds an additional period with the following parameters:
    • From – the first transaction’s date
    • To – a day preceding the beginning day of an added period
    • StatusOpen

In the case where the parameter Limit the number of open trading periods has been selected in the system configuration window, the system verifies the number of currently open periods and compares it to the allowed number. If the numbers are the same, the new period buttons become deactivated.

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