Requirements for a terminal server

The suggested configuration does not assume that the terminal server operates also as file server for users   working on it. In a case when such solution is necessary, number of required hard disks must be increased in   proportion to that suggested below.

The set of minimum requirements for database server per user/users is presented in the below table.

Physical ProcessorUp to 40 users: 4-Core
Up to 60 users: 6-Core
Up to 80 users: 8-Core
Up to 100 users: 10-Core
Virtual Processor*Up to 20 users: 1-vCPU + 1-vCPU / 5 users
Over 20 users: 1-vCPU + 2-vCPU / 10 users
RAM0.7 GB / user
HDD0.5 GB / user + 40 GB for operating system / 2 x SAS 15000 rpm
NIC 100 Mb/s
Operating SystemMicrosoft Windows Server 2016 Standard
Microsoft Windows Server 2017 Standard

* Refers to virtualized environments based on Hyper-V

If more than one server supports terminal connections, the infrastructure must be properly configured, taking into account the resource load balancing
Comarch ERP Standard system can be installed in 32- or 64-bit infrastructure.

Minimum requirements for terminal server on which 50 Comarch ERP Standard users will be working:

  • CPU: 1 x 6-Core / 11-vCPU
  • RAM: RAM: 40 GB (includes 5 GB for the operation of Windows system)
  • HDD: 120 GB (includes virtual memory on the level of 1,5 x amount of RAM memory)
Each additional integration and application increases the demand for the terminal   server’s resources.
Due to the fact that sessions of operators using BI reports require significantly increased   RAM, this requirement must be respectively taken into account while designing or changing   the infrastructure for the needs of Comarch ERP Standard system. BI operator session may occupy even three times more of RAM than session of an operator not using BI.


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