Context scanning

General information

The context scanning functionality allows the user to:

  • Recognize a scanned object on the basis of a code format defined for it
  • Perform a given action, depending on a place where an object code has been scanned
An object code format can be defined on the ERP system’s side. That is also the place where the context scanning functionality can be run.

Places where object code scanning does not call any action:

  • Login screen
  • Modal windows (such as message screens, or the customer addition form)
  • Start/end of day window (except for employee scanning)

Context scanning of a customer

After scanning a customer code:

  • In a document (R, SI, SQ, SO, ASI, SCL, TF, or manual correction), the scanned customer will be set as a primary/secondary customer. For export confirmation in TF documents, the context scanning of a customer is deactivated.
  • In cash documents (CD/CW), the scanned customer will be set as Payer.
  • On the customer list, the scanned customer will be searched.
  • In any other place, the relevant customer form will be opened for preview.

Context scanning of an item

After scanning an item code (or lot number):

  • On the item list, the scanned item will be searched
  • In a document, the scanned item will be added as a document item (not applicable in TF documents)
  • In any other place, the item list narrowed down to the scanned item/lot will be opened

If a lot number is scanned in the window Select Properties (feature selection), a relevant item lot will be searched and replaced on the list of document items.

Context scanning of an employee

After scanning an employee’s/operator’s card number:

  • In a document (R, SI, corrections, SO, SQ, WM-, RDR, CD, CW, ASI, SCL, TF), the scanned employee will be set as the person responsible for the document
  • In the start/end of day window, the scanned employee will be set as the person responsible for the operation
  • In any other place, no action will be called
Scanning an employee in a CD/CW document will not set the employee in the Payer field.
At an XYZ company, the context scanning functionality is active and configured.

At a point of sale, a customer files a complaint about a shoe defect. The operator logged in to the application, John Smith, has insufficient permissions to issue a complaint document, so he asks his manager for authorization. In the meantime, a line starts to build. For this reason, John runs another workstation in order to assist other customers. When the manager comes, she approaches the first point of sale, and types in her login and password in the authorization window. The open complaint form has by default the logged-in operator, that is John Smith, set as the responsible person. Since John is currently assisting other customers, the manager herself takes over the complaint. She scans her employee card, which results in the automatic setting of her login in the Handled By field of the SCL document.

Context scanning of a document

After scanning a document number:

  • On the list of documents of a given type, the scanned document will be searched
  • In any other place, the document will be searched locally (also on the list of unconfirmed documents). Once the document is searched, its preview window will be displayed. If the document is searched on the list of unconfirmed documents, it will be opened in the editing mode.
At an XYZ company, the context scanning functionality is active and configured.

At a point of sale, a customer asks about the status of her order. The operator asks for the customer’s SO document and scans its from the level of the item list view. The application searches the document locally and open its in the preview mode. The customer is informed that the order is ready for shipment and that it could be collected in 2-3 working days.

At an XYZ company, the context scanning functionality is active and configured.

A customer receives an e-mail confirming that her order is awaiting pick-up in a brick-and-mortar shop. Next day, she comes to the shop with the order document. The operator asks for it and scans it from the level of the sales order list. The application searches the document on the list, but does not open it. Thanks to that, the user may select the button [Generate] and [Receipt]. After making a payment, the customer collects her order and the generated receipt.

Context scanning of a voucher

After scanning a voucher number (if it is not associated with a customer as a loyalty card):

  • In a trade document, the scanned voucher will be added as a document item for sale
  • In a CD/CW document, a payment with the Own Voucher form will be accepted
  • In a payment window, the window allowing the user to add own vouchers will be opened, with the scanned voucher set in it
  • In other places of the application, the item list narrowed down to the scanned voucher will be opened

Context scanning of a loyalty card

After scanning a voucher (with the Loyalty Program option) or a loyalty card associated with a customer (in the same manner as in the case of the scanning of a customer code):

  • In documents, a customer associated with the scanned voucher will be set as a primary/secondary customer
  • In other places of the application, the form of an associated customer will be opened for preview
At an XYZ company, the context scanning functionality is active and configured.

On the POS workstation, the operator issues a trade document and scans a customer’s loyalty card (or a voucher associated with the customer). As a result, the customer is automatically assigned to the active document. Scanning the same card elsewhere opens the customer’s form for preview.

Context scanning of a discount coupon

After scanning a discount coupon:

  • In the window of an SO/R/SI document and in the case of an exchange process in a RQC/SIQC document, the application will:
    • Add the coupon if the promotion is available to a selected customer
    • Not calculate the coupon if the promotion is not available to a selected customer
    • Not calculate the coupon and display a relevant message if the coupon code has already been used, or has been blocked or expired
  • In other places of the application, the coupon will be searched and opened for preview
At an XYZ company, the context scanning functionality is active and configured.

A customer has received a discount coupon granting a 20-EUR discount for the purchase of two books belonging to the category Crime. At a point of sale, the customer presents the discount coupon. The operator scans the coupon code from the level of the view of the receipt being issued. Since the discount coupon’s conditions are met, the scanning will automatically add the coupon to the document and grant a value discount with the value of 20 EUR.

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