Closing and opening a cash/bank report

In order to close a cash/bank report, it is necessary to edit it and select the option Closed from the drop-down list available in the field Status.

The user may decide whether to close/open only a single report or all later/previous reports within the same account as well.

Upon closing a report, the system displays the notification: “Would you like to close all the previous reports?”. Answering Yes closes all previous reports belonging to a given account. Answering No closes the selected report only.

Upon opening a report, the system displays the notification: “Would you like to open all the reports with a later date?”. Answering Yes opens all the subsequent reports within a given account. Answering No opens the selected report only.

The user may edit the following data on the form of a cash/bank transaction added to a closed but not posted cash/bank report:

  • Payment Status field
  • Balance field
  • Account field
  • Create account parameter
  • For field
  • Description field
  • Bank Account field
  • Data on the Analytical Description tab
  • Data on the Attributes tab

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