Rules of posting documents

Rules of posting documents in a multi-company structure

In a multi-company structure, posting of documents is possible only within a company a user is currently logged-in to – for its current accounting period and through posting schemes available in it.

  • documents issued in a company to which a user is logged-in can be posted
  • documents issued in other center than the one a user is logged-in to, but included within the same company, can be posted
  • documents issued in other company than the one a user is logged-in to cannot be posted

Available methods of posting:

  • When confirming a document

While confirming a document, the button [Confirm and Post] is available. The document will be posted successfully only with a properly defined default posting scheme. Otherwise, the document will be confirmed, but not posted.

  • From the level of the list of documents/from the level of a document

A confirmed document can be postedfrom the level of the documents list or in the document edit mode. The document is posted by clicking on the button [Post]. The document will be posted successfully only with a properly defined default posting scheme.

Clicking on the button [Post] without selecting a posting scheme (checked parameter Use default scheme) posts a document with the use of a remembered unposted entry, if such entry existed before. However, clicking on the button [Post] and selecting a posting scheme (unchecked parameter Use default scheme, it can be also a default scheme) posts the document according to the scheme definition (possible unposted journal entries are then ignored).

  • Posting through a contra account

The [Post Through Contra Account] button is only available for cash-bank transactions and closed cash/bank reports. If a contra account is selected in the cash-bank transaction form, and an account and a ledger is assigned to the account selected on a cash-bank transaction, posting operation will be performed successfully.

  • Manually from the level of journal entries

By adding a journal entry from the level of the list of journal entries. Detailed description of the functionality can be found in article <<Numbering of book accounts>>.

  • Through a BPM process named Post Documents Automatically

Rules for posting with the use of a posting scheme

  • A posting scheme should be built separately for each type of document. There can be several schemes assigned to a given document type. One of the schemes must be set as default
  • Posted documents are displayed in the list in blue
  • Trade and warehouse documents can be posted only if they are confirmed.
  • Warehouse documents can be posted if they have prime sales cost/delivery value is determined. If documents not having these values determined and should be posted, parameters Prime sales cost determined/Fixed delivery value must be checked.
  • Documents generated from other documents can be posted in the same way as the source documents
  • Posting VAT invoices with source documents:
    • when the source document is already posted, it is not possible to post the VAT invoice. It takes automatically the status: Posted.
    • when the VAT invoice is posted, it is not possible to post its source invoice. It takes automatically the status: Posted.
  • A posted document cannot be canceled.
  • The status of a journal entry created during the posting with a posting scheme is Unconfirmed. A user confirms such an entry manually.
  • If a journal entry created as a result of a document posting has status Unconfirmed, it can be deleted. After deleting the entry, it is possible to cancel the document or post it again.
  • If a journal entry created as a result of a document posting is confirmed, it cannot be deleted without a trace. In order to unpost a document, it is necessary to generate a correcting entry. After the correcting entry is confirmed, the document is unposted and thus can be canceled.

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