Add By Features

In most documents, a new item can be added with the use of button [Add By Features], which is available from the level of:

  • list of document items
  • ribbon
  • context menu, activated by clicking with the right mouse button on the list

Clicking on the button results in opening form of adding item by features.

Form of adding items by features opened by clicking on the button [Add By Features]
Clicking on the button results in presenting a form on which, after adding an item, is created a matrix with possible lots for a given item and an operator has a possibility to indicate quantities for individual variants, associated with a given transaction.

An operator can define a quantity directly in a matrix cell, as well as write or scan a barcode of a given lot and specify a quantity by which an item is to be increased.

In order to add selected lots on a form, it is necessary to click the button [Save]. Depending on the settings of the parameter Separate document items, located on a form of adding item by features, the system adds lots as separate items or creates a new item with many subitems.

An item of Set type cannot be added to a document through the option Add By Features.


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