Advanced filter configuration

The functionality of user filters allows for creating additional, advanced filters. User Filters (?) window allows for creating filters based on predefined fields, as well as with the use of SQL expressions.

The User Filters window can be opened from the level of the menu Configuration -> Tools -> Filters or with the use of button [Open] marked with  icon, in the filter section on a given list.

Button opening the User Filters window

The User Filters window is composed of a tree of objects for which it is possible to define filters.  The user can preview filters defined for a given area, by selecting [>] button which is placed next to the name of the object. On the right side of the window, there is a filter definition form. In tab Builder (?), it is possible to create new filter, whereas tab Operator Groups allows for managing its availability for selected operators.

User Filters window

The ribbon of the User Filers window, besides the standard buttons for saving changes and closing window, contains buttons for adding and deleting filters from the list (tree of system areas).

A filter attached to a system object can be also copied. To do so, it is necessary to select an item from the tree of filters and click on [Copy] button. After that, the user must select another object on the tree and click on [Paste] button. . It must be remembered that during copying to a selected system location, values of fields by which filtering is possible can be different, so a user should verify them or specify again and save the changes

Buttons [Undo]/[Redo] allow for withdrawing or recurring a change made recently in the filter builder, whereas   button [Clear] provides possibility to undo all the entered changes and start building a filter over again. These options are also available in Edition area of the Builder tab ([<-] / [->] / [<>]).

Defining new filter

To define a new filter in the User Filters window, it is necessary to select a list or object to which the new filter is to be assigned. Then, select [Add] button which is placed on the ribbon or below the list of objects.

In a given filter definition form, it is necessary to enter filter name in the header and optionally, type additional   description.

In Remembered Expressions panel, it is possible to store temporarily expressions built earlier within a given filter.  For this purpose, it is necessary to drag a given expression by clicking on one of the areas marked on the following screen and place it in the Remeber Expressions section.

Przenoszenie wyrażenia do sekcji Zapamiętane wyrażenia

A remembered expression can be user for automatic filling of a filter defined in reference to the same system place. It is also possible to use a remembered expression within aa filter regarding a different system place, however, it is necessary to remember that the field with the column name will remain empty if that system place does not allow for entering the name of the column spiecified in the remembered expression.

To use a remembered expression, it is necessary to drag it to Filter section.

In section Parameters, it is posible to define additional parameters used by a filter, along with their default values. Detailed description of the functioning of parameters is available in chapter <<Creting new filter with the use of parameters>>.

Button [P] opening window of parameter values The user can create filters in the following ways:

  • By selecting predefined fields
  • By selecting an SQL expression and entering the closing conditions
  • By combining the above-mentioned options

Creating a new filter with the use of predefined fields

In order to create a filter with the use of the predefined field, drag the button [Field Value] from Conditions  into the Filter area. This field can be also added by selecting the option [Insert condition for the field value] available in the context menu under the right mouse button.

Defining condition for predefined fields

Steps for creating a filter with the use of the [Field Value] button:

  1. After dragging the button [Field Value], the system allows for the selection of one of the columns available in   the database that is selected from the list of objects according to which the filter will be functioning.
  2. The selection of a logical operator enables to determine how the value of the selected column must be compared   with the value specified by an operator.
  3. The value specified by operator is entered in the last field. It is possible to define a specific value which will be   compared with values of a selected column or enter a parameter which can be changed each time the filter is   activated.

The filter with the selected column, operator, and the specified value, can be saved and used on the selected list   of objects.

Creating a new filter with the use of SQL expression

In order to create a filter with the use of SQL expression, you need to drag [SQL Expression] button from   Conditions area into the Filter area.


It must be remembered that tables with sec prefix are tables with protected schemes. For that reason, in the case of filters containing such tables, it is necessary to refer to them through appropriate views. For example, in queries ad hoc with SSMS ?, it is possbile to use SecAttributes.AttributeClasses, whereas in the filter, it is necessary o use table Attributes.AttributeClasses.


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