Sorting, grouping and summing data on lists

Grouping, sorting and summing up data on lists allows for incrementing their clarity in accordance wit user’s needs.


By default, a list of items is sorted in alphabetical order according to a value displayed in the first column.  However, all displayed items can be arranged by value displayed in each of the columns presented in the list according to the user’s preferences, e.g. by code, name, etc. The list can be arranged by ascending or descending. In order to sort the list, click once on a column name with the left mouse button. A a little triangle presenting the items display direction appears. After clicking again on a column name, the direction will be rearranged.

List of warehouses sorted by ascending by the symbol with sorting icon marked

To sort data on a list, it is also possible to use Sort By Ascending and Sort By Descending options which are available in the context menu displayed upon clicking with the right mouse button on the header of a given columns.

To clear sorting, it is necessary to select option Clear Sorting (all columns), which is also available in the context menu displayed for the header of a column.

Sorting option in the context menu


The system allows for grouping list by each column. Thanks to that, it is possible to easily distinguish data, in accordance with user’s preferences.

To group a list, it is necessary to indicate the header of the column by which the grouping is to be done and drag it to on the bar over the list, containing message Drag the column header here to group by that column.


To group the list of internal orders by warehouses, it is necessary to drag the header of the list Warehouses over the bar placed above the list. For each warehouse the system will create a group of documents issued for that warehouse.

To group a list by columns, it is also possible to use Group By This Column option, which is available in the context menu displayed upon clicking with the right mouse button on the header of a given columns.

Context menu of a column header contains also Hide Grouping Panel option, thanks to which the user can hide the grouping panel displayed above the list.

Grouping option in the context menu

To clear grouping, it is necessary to select option Ungroup, which is also available in the context menu displayed for the header of a column, if the column was previously grouped. The user can also drag a given header out of the grouping bar and in such case the column will be hidden. To display it again, it is necessary to select it from the context menu with the use of Select Column option After ungouping, the standard layout of the list will be restored.

Other functions in the context menu available for a grouped list are the following:

  • Full expand – expands the list grouped by a given column
  • Full collapse – collapses the list grouped by a given column

Options for grouped list

Clicking on an arrow symbol placed next to an item related to the column according to which items were grouped, respectively expands or collapses the list of objects belonging to a given group.

Summing below a list

A user is provided with possibility to sum up all rows selected on a list by clicking on the icon . The summing  function is available for most lists in the system. The summed values are displayed in fields below the columns which present values.

Summary of values below list

t is possible to display the total of all selected rows or the value of a single row.

After grouping documents, a total value of the documents included in a given group is displayed on the list. Clicking on the summary button, instead, displays in the summary bar a total value of all documents on the list.

On lists where summary bar is not available, it is possible to add it by selecting option Show Summary Row, which is available in the context menu of the headers row.

Show Summary Row option

Moreover, for selected lists, the following options are provided in the context menu for the row with summar:

  • Total/Min/Max/Average – displays in the summary, depending on selected aggregation, the value of rows   according to setting of Aggregate Only Selected parameter. The option is available in selected lists with   columns displaying numerical values.
  • Count – displays number of rows depending on setting of parameter Aggregate Only Selected.  The option is   available in selected lists.
  • Aggregate Only Selected – this option is checked, by default and can be unchecked. The summary is updated   dynamically, depending on items marked on the list. To guarantee a better perform, it is recommended to leave the option checked.
  • None – deletes selected aggregation from below the list

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