Consignment with AVCO method of queuing resources

In the case of AVCO queuing method:

  • on a WM- document, as the target warehouse, it is possible to indicate a consignment warehouse of Own type associated with a customer/vendor.
  • after adding the WM- document to a CSR document it is possible to decrease the quantity. Such a WM- document can be added to another CSR document with quantity decreased by quantities already included in other CSR documents.

Purchase invoice, receipt corrections and update of purchase value for AVCO method

A purchase invoice for consignment items, received in a warehouse by means of a POR, is not generated directly from this POR but from a CSR document issued to a vendor from whom we have received the item. A vendor, after receiving the CSR, generates a SI, whose counterpart at the customer’s will be a purchase invoice.

Such an invoice contains all the items from the source SCR in the identical quantities. It is issued to the vendor/secondary vendor, whose item appeared in the CSR.

Generating a PI

A PI is generated from CSR according to standard rules valid for FIFO/LIFO methods.

Generating a POR

POR document is associated with an invoice according to the following rules:

  • all POR documents are searched, which are issued in the same currency with the same warehouse and include the same items/lots as PI
  • according to settings on warehouse form, POR documents will be sorted according to the selected settings. More information regarding the order og associating PI with POR can be found in article Configuration
  • the first document from the POR list filtered according to the above criteria is verified
  • the first item included in such POR is verified (items are selected according to number in column No. on a document)
  • association of a given item with PI document is verified in case if
    • quantity of the item is not associated with the invoice in full – association for the remaining quantity not associated with invoice is created
    • quantity of the item is associated with invoice in full – the item is omitted and the system verifies another item

Receipt correction – PORVC

When confirming a PI document generated from CSR for own consignment warehouse, the system checks price in items of the PI against price in items of associated POR documents:

  • if price in items of POR documents associated with an item of PI document is the same, no additional document is generated
  • if price in an item of POR document associated with item of PI is different, then when confirming the PI, PORVC document is generated to the associated POR, in which price after correction will equal price in the PI item

Cost corrections and update of resource values in a warehouse

During update of resource values in a warehouse, it is verified if the resources are available and in case if:

  • rsources are available – upon generating PORVC, the system corrects value of a given resource in a warehouse by values resulting from PORVC
  • resources are not available – upon generating PORVC, the system generates CC document to it

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