IO in consignment

On internal order it is possible to select consignment warehouses as target or source warehouses. In case on an IO document:

  • as the source warehouse is set a local, distant or own consignment warehouse, the user cannot select own consignment warehouse as the target warehouse.
  • as the target warehouse is set an own consignment warehouse, the user cannot select another warehouse than customer’s consignment warehouse as the source warehouse.

For internal orders, resource reservations are created upon submitting a document.

If a customer’s consignment warehouse is set as the source warehouse and an own consignment warehouse is the target warehouse, then if Reserve resources parameter is checked, during the second confirmation only those resources are collected which come from the own consignment warehouse (the target warehouse on document).

Upon confirming an IO, it is possible to generate WM- document on which the customer’s consignment warehouse is the source warehouse. On the WM- there will be only those resources collected which were received in the customer’s consignment warehouse from the own consignment warehouse.


1. POR1 is issued to an own consignment warehouse, then WM-1/WM+1 document is generated, where the own consignment warehouse is the source warehouse and a customer’s consignment warehouse is the target warehouse

2. POR2 document is issued to a local warehouse and next, WM-2/WM+2 document is generated, where the local warehouse is the source warehouse and the customer’s consignment warehouse is the target warehouse.

3. IO document is issued, where the customer’s consignment warehouse is the source warehouse and the own consignment warehouse is the target warehouse. Parameter Reserve resources is checked on the IO.

4. From the IO there is WM-3 document generated, where customer’s consignment warehouse is the source warehouse and the own consignment warehouse is the target warehouse. On WM-3 there are resources collected from the customer’s consignment warehouse, but only from POR1 document, because resources in the customer’s consignment warehouse were received from the own consignment warehouse.

DocumentQuantityWarehouseSource WarehouseTarget Warehouse
POR12 pcsOwn consignment
WM-1/WM+12 pcs Own consignmentCustomer's consignment
POR210 pcsLocal
WM-2/WM+210 pcsLocalCustomer's consignment
IO5 pcsCustomer's consignmentOwn consignment
WM-32 pcsCustomer's consignmentOwn consignment

Only 2 pcs were transferred on the WM-3 document, because there had been only 2 pcs from POR1 available in the own consignment warehouse before the warehouse movement.

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