Cost correction

Cost corrections are generated automatically as a result of completing operations resulting in a change in the cost of items sold.

A CC document can be generated:

  • while confirming or canceling a PORVC/IR+VC, whereby the resource received by the corrected document has already been released (CC for confirmed SOR, SORQC, IR-, IR-QC, WM-, WM+)
  • while confirming WM+, whereby there exists a cost correction to the source WM- document
  • upon confirming SORQC/IR-QC, if there exists a cost correction to the source SOR/IR- documen
  • in the event of canceling documents: SOR, SORQC, IR-, WM-, WM+, if there exists a cost correction to these documents
  • in the event of issuing or canceling a manual PIVC
  • if a resource has been entirely corrected quantitatively and in the warehouse there is acquisition value for this resource left (e.g. if additional costs are not included in the PORQC)

The cost of sales in SI, R documents as well as their corrections (being issued prior to issuing a warehouse document) is treated as an estimated cost, if they are issued before a document which generates a warehouse movement. The actual cost is calculated only in SOR documents generated to trade documents, on the basis of a current value of retrieved resources.

Cost corrections cannot be deleted, canceled or added manually. Upon canceling a value correction, for example, which has resulted in generating a cost correction, another cost correction correcting the existing one will be created. In the event of confirming a WM+, IR-QC or SORQC, the system will generate one CC document on the basis of all CC documents generated to the source documents – WM-, IR-, SOR.

Cost corrections do not generate paymetns.

A list of generated cost corrections is placed in module Sales. The list displays information regarding:

  • correction number
  • date of issue, that is the actual date of the operation of generating a correction (current date)
  • date of correction, that is the date of an “event” that has resulted in generating a CC Depending on situation as a result of which a CC document is created, correction date in a CC is retrieved from:
    • date of correction from PORVC, PORQC
    • date of issue from IR+VC
    • date of issue from WM+, SORQC, IR-QC
    • date of receipt from PIVC
  • date of release, that is a “warehouse date” in which an item whose prime cost is changing a given CC was released/returned. Depending on a document to which a CC is being generated, the date of issue of such a CC is determined on the basis of:
    • the date of release from a SOR
    • the date of correction from a SORQC, manual PIVC, PORQC
    • date of issue from a IR-, IR-QC, WM-, WM+
  • value of a cost correction calculated on the basis of the purchase value
  • value of an acquisition cost correction based on the acquisition value
  • document status
  • number of the source document as a result of which a correction has been created

Details of a correction are available after clicking on button [Preview] located in the group of buttons List in the main menu. A correction form is comprised of standard document tabs: Items, Analytical Description, Associated Documents, Attributes and Change History.

The majority of fields in the tab Items is grayed-out. Only a Correction Date and a Date of Release are subject to changes, but only until a document has been posted.

Similarly, as the other trade documents, the cost correction form is comprised of:

  • header in which the number of a correction document is shown,
  • the number of a source document which has resulted in creation of a correction,
  • center in which a document has been issued,
  • current document status (a correction is always generated for the status Confirmed),
  • issue date, correction date and release date,
  • value of a cost correction and value of acquisition cost correction,
  • list of items

The list of items presents items along with the value of a cost correction and the value of acquisition cost correction. Those are the items whose purchase price and acquisition price have been corrected as a result of confirming or canceling the source document for a CC. Each item can only be previewed to obtain more details.

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