Fixed asset opening balance – example


Opening balance value at fixed asset registration:

  • Depreciation area associated with a calendar year

The receipt of a fixed asset: Administration Building was taken on: 3/2/2017

Initial value: 500 000.00 USD, FAC: 105, depreciation method: straight-line at 2,5%. The building was renovated in 2018 and its value increased by 10 000.00 USD.

Write-offs for December 2018 amounted to 22 062.50 USD.

The fixed asset was registered in the system on 1/15/2017.

After completing the basic information and changing the acquisition and receipt dates to 2/3/2017, in the field Initial Value, initial value of fixed asset amounting to 500 000.00 USD was entered, in the field Value Updated at the Beginning of Period, value 510 000.00 USD (amount increased by the renovation cost) was entered, in the field Write Offs at the Beginning of Period, value 22 062.50 USD was entered.

After saving the fixed asset form, the following documents were generated:

  1. FA for the amount of 500 000.00 USD with the date of issue: 3/2/2017
  2. FR for the amount of 10 000.00 USD with the date of issue: 12/31/2018 (depreciation date set to 1/1/2019)
  3. FDP for the amount of 22 062.50 USD with the date of issue: 12/31/2018
  • Depreciation area associated with an accounting period

The receipt of a fixed asset: Administration Building was taken on: 3/2/2017

Initial value: 500 000.00 USD, FAC: 105, depreciation method: straight-line at 2,5%. The building was renovated in 2018 and its value increased by 10 000.00 USD.

The company has a custom accounting period which begins on the 1st of February and ends on 31st of January of the successive year.

Write-offs for January 2019 amounted to 29 000.00 USD.

The fixed asset was registered in the system on 2/10/2019

After completing the basic information and changing the acquisition and receipt dates to 2/3/2017, in the field Initial Value, initial value of fixed asset amounting to 500 000.00 USD was entered, in the field Value Updated at the Beginning of Period, value 510 000.00 USD (amount increased by the renovation cost) was entered, in the field Write Offs at the Beginning of Period, value 29 000.00 USD was entered.

After saving the fixed asset form, the following documents were generated:

  1. FA for the amount of 500 000.00 USD with the date of issue: 3/2/2017
  2. FR for the amount of 10 000.00 USD with the date of issue: 12/31/2019 (depreciation date set to 1/1/2019)
  3. FDP for the amount of 29 000.00 USD with the date of issue: 12/31/2019
  • Balance-sheet depreciation area associated with a calendar year and tax depreciation area associated with an accounting period

The receipt of a fixed asset: Administration Building was taken on: 3/2/2017

Initial value: 500 000.00 USD, FAC: 105, depreciation method: straight-line at 2,5%. The building was renovated in March 2018 and its value increased by 10 000.00 USD.

The company has a custom accounting period which begins on the 1st of February and ends on 31st of January of the successive year.

Write-offs for January 2018 amounted to 22 062.50 USD.

The fixed asset was registered in the system on 2/10/2019

After completing the basic information and changing the acquisition and receipt dates to 2/3/2017, in the field Initial Value, initial value of fixed asset amounting to 500 000.00 USD was entered, in the field Value Updated at the Beginning of Period, value 510 000.00 USD (amount increased by the renovation cost) was entered, in the field Write Offs at the Beginning of Period, value 22 062.50 USD was entered.

After saving the fixed asset form, the following documents were generated:

  1. FA for the amount of 500 000.00 USD with the date of issue: 3/2/2017
  2. FR for the amount of 10 000.00 USD with the date of issue: 12/31/2019 (depreciation date set to 1/1/2019)
  3. FDP for the amount of 22 062.50 USD with the date of issue: 12/31/2010

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