Modifying document item

Rules of modification of items in generated documents:

  • Field Handled by is fully editable regardless of document type.
  • It is possible to delete an item or decrease quantity on an item/subitem in:
    • PI generated from POR
    • POR generated from PI
    • SOR generated from SI/R

Reducing of quantity on items of POR documents starts from the last subitem and on items of SOR documents, contrary to FIFO/LIFO method of queuing resources set on an item. The system takes a minimum quantity in the following way:

  • 0,0001 when item unit precision is 4
  • 0,001 – when precision is 3
  • 0,01 – when precision is 2
  • 0,1 – when precision is 1
  • 1 – when precision is 0
Deletion of an item from SOR/POR document results in losing the relations with an item on a source trade document. To rebuild the relations, the user must generate a SOR/POR document for that item again.

If the user has decreased item quantity, which caused deletion of one subitem, while increasing subitem quantity, the system restores this subitem (preserving its current features). While decreasing item quantity, the system increases first quantity on non-zero subitems and, next, proceeds with restoring subsequently reset items – starting with the item which has been reset as the last one.



  • item – 9pcs:
    • subitem_1 (S1) – 3pcs, feature value: red
    • subitem_2 (S2) – 4 pcs, feature value: green
    • subitem_3 (S3) – 2 pcs, feature value: white


  • item – 9pcs
    • subitem _4 (S4) – 3pcs, feature value: red (relation with S1)
    • subitem_5 (S5) – 4pcs, feature value: green (relation with S2)
    • subitem_3 (S3) – 2pcs, feature value: white (relation with S3)

Quantity on POR item is reduced to 4pcs:

  • S4 – 3pcs, feature value: red (relation with S1)
  • S5 – 1pcs, item value: green (relation with S2)
  • S6 – 0pcs, feature value: white (relation with S3) the subitem is not visible, because it has been reset

Quantity of item on POR is increased to 6pcs:

  • S4 – 3pcs, feature value: red (relation with S1)
  • S5 – 3pcs, feature value: green (relation with S2)

S6 – 0pcs, feature value: white (relation with S3) the subitem is not visible, because it has been reset

  • For items which have not been included in generated document, it is possible to generate other documents until all the items are used.
  • In a PI document generated from a POR document it is possible to:
    • increase quantity – new subitem will be added to a PI document. After increasing quantity on a document item, it is not possible to modify price/value of this item, it will be automatically recalculated.
    • In case of modifying quantity of items on documents SOR/SI/R generated from SO, it is possible to increase quantities until all available resources are used fully.
The system cannot process completely a SO, if on a generated document, the operator first increases item quantity and then deletes or decreases quantity on those subitems, which have been transferred from the sources document. Subitems added in this way are treated as completely independent of SO.

The operator can also increase quantity of items by direct actions on subitems (buttons [Return]/[Add]) and decide which resources have to process the source SO. Selected resources, the same as it is in case of increasing items quantity with the use of field Quantity (referred to the whole item), can be different than resources originally retrieved by the system when generating SOR/SI/R.

If new item is added manually to generated document, even though theoretically it is the same as on the SO, the system treats it as completely new one (additional), not related with the order and apart from the reservation for the given item, kept by the SO, it creates new reservation, resulting from the item added to the new document.

It may occur that system deletes/decreases quantity of a subitem different that subitem selected by the user, because on such an item it has found a newer/older resource from the same lot.
  • A full modification of items is possible for a WM- document generated from POR or IR+, whereas operating with quantity is limited by resources available for release.
  • When generating IR+ and IR- or POR and SOR from an inventory document, it is possible to edit only an employee assigned to a given item (employee who handles a transaction), price and values of individual items, it is not possible to change quantities.


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