Modifying Item name and code on document subitem

Modification of item name

Item name in generated documents depends on the value of parameter Edit item name, which is available on item form. If the parameter is checked and the name has been changed in the source document, then the name on the item in generated document is set in accordance with the name on the source item.

The exceptions, when the name is set in accordance with the name on item form, include documents generated in the following way:

  • PO, IO from IQC, DF
  • WM- from IQC
  • IR-, IR + from INV

In the majority of cases, it is also possible to change name on generated document with unconfirmed status. Such an option is not available for the following documents:

  • SI generated from SOR or R
  • R generated from SOR
  • SOR generated from SI, R
  • corrections to R, SI, PI, POR, SOR, IR-, IR+
  • WM+ generated from WM-
  • PI generated from POR
  • POR generated from PI
  • CC
  • PC

Modification of item code

Modification of item code is possible only directly from the level of this item form. Modification of field value does not determine an automatic change of code in already issued documents. The code in generated documents is retrieved from:

  • items of the source document, in case of generating warehouse documents from trade documents and inversely, generating corrections to SI and R
  • from item form, in case of generating other documents

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