Integration with Comarch B2B

Non-directory features

In response to clients’ expectations, in the newly released version, it is possible to set the order according to which non-directory feature values are to be uploaded to e-Shop. This option is to arrange the feature values regardless of when they were defined in the system. It is represented on item form (Parameters → Features tab) by the new column No. with arrows for changing the order of feature values.

Features sub tab on item form

Getting customer’s credit limit from a customer group

In the new release, it is possible to get a credit limit for a new e-Shop customer from the assigned customer group.

In center of e-Commerce type, there is a new parameter Get customer’s credit limit from customer group under Synchronization tab.  If selected, in a new customer form, it retrieves the credit limit from the customer group to which the customer is assigned.

Synchronization tab in e-Shop center configuration

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