Split payment in bank transactions

In the system, it is possible to define a bank account that would keep record of transactions made only on a special VAT account associated with a current account. Ti do so, it is necessary to select the parameter VAT account for split payment on the form of a Bank account.

VAT account for split payment parameter on the form of a bank account
The parameter VAT account for split payment is only visible if the Split payment under Polish law parameter has been activated in the definition of a relevant center of the Company type.

To make the parameter VAT account for split payment available for selection, the following requirements need to be met:

  • Account currency – PLN
  • Account type set as Bank
  • Account sort set as Local

If the user selects the parameter, the system will block the possibility to change the account’s currency and types.

The list of cash/bank accounts contains VAT Account column (hidden by default) which indicates whether on the definition of a given register the parameter VAT account for split payment is checked.

An account with checked parameter VAT account for split payment cannot be selected on a payment and on the header as well as on an item of SRO. Also, it cannot be assigned to a payment form.

Each split payment transaction consists of two entries:

  • main operation for the entire total amount
  • additional operation which posts a VAT amount between a current account and a VAT account

On the side panel of a bank transaction, there is a Split Payment control which, depending on the type of transaction, may assume one of the following values:

  • No – it specifies that the split payment mechanism will not be used to pay for a given receivable/payable
  • Payment – it specifies that the split payment mechanism will be used to pay for a given receivable/payable
  • VAT Transaction – it tags marks the technical transaction of posting into a VAT account
The Split Payment control on the form of a bank transaction is only visible in the case of transactions entered to a bank account in PLN.
Split Payment control on the form of a bank transaction

In a transaction added to an account tagged as VAT account for split payment, the parameter is set automatically as Split payment: VAT Transaction without a possibility to change it and the value Is Not Subject is set in the column Payment with a possibility to change it.

On the lists Payment Estimate and Customer/Vendor Payments, the user may filter bank transactions related to split payment. For that purpose, the filter Split payment with the following values is available:

  • <All>
  • No
  • No + Payments
  • Payments
  • VAT Transactions
  • Payments + VAT Transactions

It is also possible to display the column VAT Amount (hidden by default) which presents VAT amount for bank transaction tagged as Split payment: VAT Transaction.

Split payment filter and column VAT Amount on payment estimate

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