Confirming IO

Second IO confirmation – button [Confirm]

Conditions which are necessary to perform the operation of the second confirmation:

  • necessary condition – the center performing the operation has permission to the source warehouse (the warehouse to which sales subitems will be generated during the second confirmation) granted, that is this warehouse is assigned to the IO definition in this center
  • additional conditions
    • to be able to confirm an IO with Initiated or Unconfirmed status immediately with the use of [Confirm] button and without confirmation with the button [Submit], a center must have permissions both to source warehouse and target warehouse granted; it results from the fact that the system generates purchase subitems as well as sales subitems simultaneously
    • if the target warehouse on an IO is not a warehouse assigned to the IO document type in a given center, the system allows for the second confirmation in this center, only if the status of the order is Submitted (if it is confirmed by the issuing center)

During the second confirmation of an IO document:

  • the system generates sales reservations in the target warehouse for items included in the order, taking into account the parameter Reserve resources – the same as it is in the case of confirming a sales order
  • sales reservations are collected from the source warehouse with a WM- document
  • the system enables generation of other documents from the IO


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