Operations on IO

Unconfirming submitted/confirmed IO

The system allows for unconfirming an IO document if its status is:

  • submitted – from the level of the center issuing a document or from the level of a center in which a target warehouse is assigned to the IO document type – the status of an IO is changed into Unconfirmed
  • confirmed – from the level of the center receiving a document or from the level of a center in which a source warehouse is assigned to the IO document type – the status of an IO is changed into Submitted

When unconfirming IO documents, the following reservations are canceled:

  • purchase reservations – when unconfirming an order with Submitted status
  • sales reservations – when unconfirming an order with Confirmed status

Closing IO

Documents with Submitted, Confirmed or Pending status can be closed.

To be able to close a pending IO, documents generated from such order must be confirmed. Additionally, in the case of WM- documents, it is necessary to generate WM+ documents, otherwise it will not be possible to close the IO.


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