Reservations on IO

On an IO, similarly as on a SO, it is possible to

  • associate manually resources and lots with sales subitems of an IO. Such a possibility is available from the moment of generation of sales subitems by the system, that is after the second confirmation of an IO.
  • reserve/release resources with the use of buttons [Reserve Resources] and [Release Resources]

These operations can be performed only for subitems of orders with Confirmed or Pending status. Moreover, there must be subitems for which unprocessed quantity is higher than zero.

Both operations can be initiated for many documents, items or items at the same time. Button [Release Resources]/[Reserve Resources] used from the level of:

  • list of orders – releases/reserves resources for all the items of selected orders and their unprocessed items
  • document form – releases/reserves resources for all unprocessed subitems of selected items
  • item form – releases/reserves resources for selected subitems of a given item, for unprocessed quantity

After the operation is performed the system displays a message containing detailed information on released/retrieved resources. Number of details contained in the message depends on the level from which the release/reservation has been performed.

Criteria verified during the association of resources with IO subitems:

  • item – consistent with the item of the subitem
  • warehouse – consistent with the warehouse of the subitem
  • date of creating a resource/lot (warehouse receipt) – not later than the current date – not applicable in the case of AVCO
  • features – consistent feature values of resources/lots with those of IO subitems:
    • if in the item of an order the value of features affecting lots was specified, the resources/lots being searched for must have the same feature value
    • if in the item of an order the value of features affecting lots was not specified, the resources/lots being searched for may or may not have any value assigned to the feature

The order of collecting resources/lots initiated with the button [Reserve Resources] depends on the method of queuing resources defined in the system. A user cannot indicate resources/lots with which subitems on an IO must be associated.

In the case of issuing an IO in a center in which a warehouse being the source warehouse on the IO has not been assigned to IO document type, columns Document and Source Document in subitems will not be filled out (because this center does not have permissions to that warehouse in reference to this document).

When processing an IO with a WM-, the system decreases the quantity of the IO document subitem.

In tab Deliveries in section Lots/Deliveries lots and deliveries are presented only if the center in which an IO document is being edited has access to the source warehouse.

Two types of reservations will be generated to one item of an order: purchase reservations – generated during the first confirmation of an IO (confirmation on a target warehouse) and sales reservations – generated during the second confirmation of an IO (confirmation on a source warehouse). Sales reservations are executed through WM- documents from the source warehouse and purchase reservations are executed through WM+ documents on the target warehouse.

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