Generating WM- from IQC

Generating of a warehouse movement WM- is possible only from a confirmed item quantity calculation, for items whose quantity in the column Quantity To Order is higher than zero.

In case the parameter Separate calculation for each warehouse is:

  • unchecked – a WM- document can be generated if there is only one warehouse in the IQC document. Upon selecting the option of generating, a list of warehouses enabling to select a source warehouse from which the resources will be ordered, is displayed. The warehouse defined in the IQC will be set as the source warehouse.
  • checked – upon selecting the option of generating WM- a list of warehouses possible to select, will be displayed.

After selecting the option of generating [WM-] a window with warehouse selection appears:

  • Source Warehouse – it is possible to select warehouses associated with WM- document in a center from the level of which the document is being generated. A warehouse checked as default in definition of WM- document is suggested automatically.
  • Target Warehouse – displays warehouse retrieved from the IQC document for which quantity in the column Quantity To Order is higher than zero.
  • Generate – it is necessary to check the parameter for warehouses for which a WM- document is to be generated.
    A WM- document will be generated with Unconfirmed status.
Window with warehouse selection during generation of WM- document

It is possible to change a unit on a WM- document generated from IQC.

On WM- documents generated from IQC, each item lot is displayed as a separate item.

It is not possible to generate a WM- when:

  • many warehouses are indicated in an IQC and the parameter Separate calculation for each warehouse is unchecked
  • there are not enough resources in the source warehouse


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