Tab Packs

This tab is available on documents of receipt type and on WM- document. It presents list of packs grouping document items and indicates how they will be packed. In the system, it is also possible to define “empty” packs, that is packs to which non document items have been assigned. However, they are not transferred onto another generated document.

One document can contain any number of packs. The packs list provides information regarding pack code, pack UPC code, quantity (presented quantity is always 1) and pack type.

There are two methods of adding a pack – individually ([Add Through Form] button) or in a single batch ([Add Many Packs] button).

More information regarding packs and adding them can be found in subcategory Packs.

From the level of the pack list, apart from adding, editing and deleting existing packs, the user can also copy packs and generate documents directly to selected packs.


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