Discrepancy report

Discrepancy report is a differential document. It is created automatically when confirming an RDR document, in case the system finds a difference between items in a WM- document and items in an RDR document associated with that WM-. It is in form of a printout and is not registered on a separate list of documents; each of the generated reports has a unique number which is assigned according to the numeration scheme determined for DR document type.

DR printout

A DR printout is activated for a confirmed:

  • WM- to which an RDR was generated – both from the level of the list and document details
  • WM+ associated with an RDR – both from the level of the list and document details
  • RDR – from the level of the list of documents

DR printout can be previewed only by those operators who have permissions to read DR documents In order to preview such printout, click on the button [Print Document/Print], select printout Discrepancy Report and option Preview.

A report contains information on

  • DR document number
  • RDR document number for which a DR was created
  • number of a source WM- document
  • source warehouse name and target warehouse name
  • DR document status
  • lists of discrepancies

A report presents items:

  • included in a WM- which are not included in an RDR
  • included in an RDR, but not included in a WM-
  • for which a defect was reported – value in column Discrepancy is other than Consistent

When comparing a WM- and an RDR, the system takes into account:

  • item code
  • features assigned to an item
  • item quantity on a WM- and on an RDR
  • units of measure on an item registered in a WM- and units of measure of an item registered in an RDR
  • Information provided on the list of discrepancies is the following:
  • item code and name
  • item quantity registered for a selected item in an RDR or WM- (depending on where the discrepancy originates from)
  • unit of measure in which item quantity is defined
  • type of discrepancy determined on the basis of discrepancy code from an RDR document or assigned automatically by the system if quantities in RDR and WM- documents are inconsistent; if a discrepancy results from differences in quantity registered on documents, then in column Discrepancy, the quantity along with UOM, consistent with quantity from column Quantity, is displayed in brackets at the end of cell; however, in case if in RDR an item from a WM- is missing, this quantity will be displayed with “-“ sign
  • description copied from an RDR

Example of presenting discrepancies on a DR:

Scenario 1:

WM-: 1 pcs of item K00020 from lot 30 ml

RDR: 1 pcs of item K00020z from lot 50 ml

In DR there is:

No.CodeNameFeatureQuantity UOMDiscrepancy
1.K00020Hand cream30 ml 1pcsNo item in RDR (-1 pcs)
2.K00020 Hand cream50 ml1pcsNo item in WM- (1 pcs)

Scenario 2:

WM-: 2 pcs of item K00020

RDR: 3 pcs of item AP

In DR there is:

No. CodeNameFeatureQuantity UOMDiscrepancy
1.K00020Hand cream1pcsNo item in WM- (1 pcs)

Scenario 3:

WM-: 1 pcs of item K00020

RDR: 2 pcs of item K00020, one of which was registered as damaged

In DR there is:

1.K00020Hand cream1pcs No item in RDR (-1 pcs)
2.EAG200Golden earrings2pcsNo item in WM- (2 pcs)
3.EAG200Golden earrings1pcsDamage

In case if none differences were registered between a WM- and an RDR, message No discrepancies is displayed.

Packs in DR

If packs were created in a source WM- and, at the same time, not all items were assigned to the pack, a list of discrepancies is divided into separate sections: for each pack and item not associated with any pack. Each section contains total of discrepancies calculated as total of reported items.

Canceling DR

Cancellation of a DR is perfomed automatically, at the momento of cancelling the source WM- or cancelling at least one of receiving and delivery reports associated with a given DR.


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