Warehouse movements – General information

Warehouse movement documents (WM- and WM+) reflect movement of items and sets between two warehouses – a source warehouse and a target warehouse. A WM- document decreases stock levels in a source warehouse (release) and a WM+ document associated with it increases stock levels in a target warehouse (receipt)

Warehouse movement documents are placed in two separated lists:

  • WM- – available from the level Warehouse (Releases) → Movements
List of WM- documents
  • WM+ – available from the level Warehouse (Releases) Movements
List of WM+ documents

WM-/WM+ documents:

  • are issued in the system currency
  • present subtotal value
  • do not contain services
  • require determination of a warehouse from which the resources are supposed to be collected
  • can have a customer/vendor or an employee indicated
  • do not allow for releasing a quantity higher than the quantity available in the indicated warehouse
  • retrieve item value from a resource without possibility of changing it

A WM- is a source document, whereas a WM+ is a secondary document and it is created through generation from a WM-. A WM- can exist independently, whereas a WM+ is always associated with a source document that is a WM-.


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