Adding a transaction with a negative sign

Adding a transaction with a negative sign is only possible if the parameter Register negative transactions has been selected in System → Configuration → Accounting. A detailed description of this parameter may be found in the article Configuration parameters for cash/bank transactions.

While settling transactions with a negative sign, the system abides by the following rules:

  • A cash/bank deposit may be settled with payments of the Payable type, compensated with a positive deposit, or compensated with a negative withdrawal
  • A cash/bank withdrawal may be settled with payments of the Receivable type, compensated with a positive withdrawal, or compensated with a negative deposit

The system allows registering transactions with a negative sign.

The user enters a CD/1 document for -1000 EUR. Documents listed as Documents To Be Paid include:

  • PI/1 for 246 EUR
  • PI/2 for 123 EUR

CD/1 is applied to PI/1 and PI/2.

Following the settlement, data in CD/1 is presented as follows:

  • Value: -1000 EUR
  • Paid: 369 EUR
  • To be paid: -631 EUR

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