Importing bank statements

To support the import of bank statements, the system makes it possible to use the following predefined import formats:

  • ING Bank Śląski
  • Swift MT940
  • Swift MT940 Alior
  • Swift MT940 BGŻ
  • Swift MT940 BZ WBK
  • Swift MT940 Deutsche Bank Polska
  • Swift MT940 ING
  • Swift MT940 mBank
  • Formats defined by the user

Before initiating the import of a bank statement, it is necessary to:

  • Define a relevant entity’s bank account number for which cash/bank transactions have been issued (on the Bank Accounts tab on the form of a given entity)
  • Assign the bank account number to a cash/bank account to which the transactions are to be imported
If the same bank account is assigned as default to several entities, the system retrieves data of the first entity, i.e. an entity with a lower ID in the database.
To enable import of transactions from the bank system with the use of the format of Web service type, it is necessary to install in the Windows system, in the personal certificate store, three certificates provided by the bank.

To use the feature of bank statement import, it is necessary to select Finances → (C/B Transactions) → Import.

On the list of bank statement items, standard buttons are available, and additionally:

  • [Load File] – it allows the user to load a bank statement file from the computer. The button is available for formats of types: Predefined, Definable and Special.
  • [Load File – Load Statement] – button available for format of Web service type only. It allows for retrieving statement from a selected day directly from the bank system with the use of the web service.
  • [Load File – Load Transfer History] – button available for the format of Web service type only. It allows for loading transfer history for a selected period.
  • [Import Selected] – it imports transactions selected on the list

Above the list of bank statement items, there are two fields:

  • File Format – it makes it possible to select a defined format for a file to be imported
  • Encoding – for predefined MT940 formats, it is possible to select an encoding type from the list. The available options include: ASCII, Windows-1250, ibm852, ISO-8859-2, and UTF-8. In the case of formats defined by the user, the system displays an encoding type retrieved from the definition of a given format, with no possibility to change it.
  • Account – field available only if in the field File Format format of Web service type is selected. Only accounts associated with a bank with checked parameter Exchange data via Web Service.

In order to import a transaction, it is necessary to:

  • Select a file format
  • Select an account, if a format of Web service type is selected as the file format
  • Click the button:
  • [Load File] for a format of Predefined, Definable and Soecial type and select the file from the computer disc
  • [Load File – Load Statement] for a format of Web service tyle and select the day from which the statement is supposed to be retrieved
  • Select transactions on the list of loaded bank statement items and click [Import Selected]
Bank statement items which have only been loaded are marked in black; in turn, items which have been both loaded and imported are marked in blue.
List of bank statement items with an imported statement file
When loading statement items and transfer history with the use of the Web service format, duplication control is active, which means that items already existing in a given account are omitted.

The list of bank statement items is composed of the following columns:

  • Document Date – it is retrieved from an imported file
  • Credit Amount – it presents the amount of a revenue transaction
  • Debit Amount – it presents the amount of an expense transaction
  • Entity Code – it presents the code of an entity for whom a transaction has been issued
  • Entity Name – it presents the name of an entity for whom a transaction has been issued
  • For – it presents text retrieved from the For field of a transaction
When loading statement items and transfer history with the use of the Web service format, the system performs verification of the compliance between the opening balance of the bank account to which transactions will be uploaded and the opening balance included in the statement. After finishing the import, the system updates the ending balance of the reports to which transactions were imported and verifies whether it is compliant with the ending balance of the statement. In case there are inconsistencies, appropriate warning messages are displayed.

Imported bank statements can be accessed in the system by selecting Finances → C/B Transactions. The owner of imported transactions is set as a center to which the user running the import is logged in.

The bank account and entity of imported transactions are set on the basis of bank account numbers. If an account number related to a given transaction has not been imported (also in the case where the Account Number field has not been defined in transfer formats), the system displays the following notification upon an attempt to save changes: “ERROR: Company’s bank account number {0} from the statement is not consistent with any bank account number of the cash/bank account in the system”.

While transactions are being imported, the system verifies if given bank accounts are active. It means that if a single bank account number has been assigned to two bank accounts, and one of these accounts has been deactivated, the system recognizes the active account and makes it possible to import a transaction to it.

If transactions with different dates are to be imported, it is necessary to add a report encompassing all the transaction dates before initiating the import in order to include all the transactions in the report. Otherwise, daily reports corresponding to the transaction dates will be automatically added during the import.
The user needs to import a bank statement to the system. The relevant file contains transactions with different dates, but falling within a single month and year (5 January 2019, 23 January 2019, and 31 January 2019). The user wants to include all the transactions from a single month in one report. In order to do so, it is necessary to:

  • Select Month as the report period on the cash/bank account form
  • Add a report with the opening date of 1 January 2019 and closing date of 31 January 2019
  • Import the file to the system

A detailed description of the import of transactions related to the split payment mechanism may be found in the article Split payment mechanism in the export of statements of remittance orders and import of bank statements.

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