Automatic generation of a document correcting cash allocation while canceling a trade document

When canceling trade documents, VAT invoices, and debt collection documents, as well as while deleting VAT invoices, the system automatically deletes the payment settlement/compensation of a document to be canceled/deleted. Before doing so, the system displays the following notification: “Are you sure you want to delete the selected invoice? The associated payments will be deleted”.

Additionally, if the parameter Compliance with French VAT law is selected in the definition of a center of the Company type, it is possible to automatically generate a document correcting cash allocation while canceling a trade document. In such a case, upon canceling a trade document whose payment is settled with a cash/bank transaction, the system displays the notification: “Would you like to correct the associated transactions automatically?”. Answering Yes automatically deletes the payment settlements/compensations of a canceled document and the system creates a correcting transaction of an opposite type and for the same amount as the corrected transaction. Answering No automatically deletes the payment settlements/compensations of a canceled document.

The parameter Compliance with French VAT law is selected in the definition of a center of the Company type.

The following documents are registered in the system:

  • CW for 500 EUR
  • PI/1 for 360 EUR total
  • PI/2 for 240 EUR total

The CW document has been settled with PI/1 for 360 EUR and with PI/2 for 140 EUR.

The PI/1 document is canceled. The user answers Yes to the question “Are you sure you want to delete the selected invoice? The associated payments will be deleted”.

The system displays the notification: “Would you like to correct the associated transactions automatically?”. The user answers Yes.

The association of CW and PI/1 for 360 EUR is deleted. A CD document is generated for the amount of 500 EUR.

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