List of cash/bank transactions

The list of cash/bank transactions is the list of deposits and withdrawals corresponding to revenues and expenses within a cash register or bank account.

The list can be accessed by selecting Finances [C/B Transactions].

The visibility of separate cash/bank transactions on the list depends on the center to which the user is logged in. An operation is only visible on the list if:

  • It has been added within the current center (i.e. the center to which the user is logged in)
  • It has been added within a center subsidiary to the current center
  • It has been added within a center that shares it (by specifying the visibility of a given document type) with the current center or with a center subsidiary to the current center

Additionally, the list only displays transactions for which a cash/bank account available within a given center has been selected.

A cash/bank transaction always displays the system currency of a company at which the transaction has been added.
List of cash/bank transactions

Apart from the standard buttons, the list contains the following buttons:

  • [Add] – it adds a transaction of the Revenue type, possible to be changed to Expense
  • [Add Deposit] – it adds a transaction of the Revenue type
  • [Add Withdrawal] – it adds a transaction of the Expense type
  • [Renumber No.] – it can be used to obtain the correct numbering of transactions in the case of gaps in numbering
  • [Correct] – it makes it possible to add a correction to a transaction selected on the list
  • [Post Through Contra Account] – it can be used to automatically post transactions with the use of an account, ledger, and a contra account selected for a transaction
  • [Transactions] – it makes it possible to make batch changes to selected transactions. The button is only active if the operator belongs to a group that has the permission Batch changes to transactions from the tab Other Permissions. The user may decide what information is to be contained in a log displayed while making a change. When making batch changes, the system abides by the same rules as in the case of a manual transaction modification. The user may define the following parameters:
    • Payment Form
    • Document Date
    • Cash/Bank Account
    • Payment Application
    • Payer
    • Bookkeeping Account
    • Remove payment associations and compensations (it requires the permissions Application of payments and Making of compensations)
Parameters for batch transaction change

The list of cash/bank transactions is composed of the following columns:

  • Report Number – it presents the number of a report to which a given cash/bank transaction belongs
  • Document Number – it presents the number of a transaction, depending on the setting of the parameter Default automatic numeration available in the system configuration
  • Document Date
  • Entity Code
  • Revenue – it presents the value of a transaction of the Revenue type
  • Entity Name
  • Expense – it presents the value of a transaction of the Expense type
  • Currency – it depends on the currency set in the filter
  • Payment Status:
    • C – completed
    • U – uncompleted
    • NS – not subject
  • For
  • Contra Account – it presents a contra account selected for a transaction
  • To Send – it presents an amount to be sent

Hidden by default:

  • Date of Transaction
  • To Be Paid
  • Availability – it presents a POS workstation on which a given transaction is to be available
  • Payment Form
  • Time – it presents a time when a transaction has been added
  • Cash Register/Bank Account – it presents the name of an account to which a transaction has been entered
  • Correction – for correcting transactions, this column displays an exclamation mark
  • VAT Amount – it presents the amount of a transaction of the type Split Payment – VAT Transaction
  • Reference No.
  • Voucher Number
  • Description
  • Split Payment:
    • No – it marks a payment made without the application of the split payment mechanism
    • Payment – it marks a payment made with the application of the split payment mechanism
    • VAT Transaction – it marks a technical record of reclassification to a VAT account
  • Voucher Sort
  • Paid – it presents an amount already paid
  • Document Status – it indicates whether a document has already been posted
  • Type – it indicates whether a transaction is of the Revenue or Expense type
  • Reconciled – it indicates whether it has been confirmed that data from a bank statement is compliant with journal entries. More information may be found in the category Bank Reconciliation.
  • System Currency – it presents the system currency of a company within which a given transaction has been made
  • Owner – it presents the center of a company structure issuing a document
  • Affects Balance
In order to view the sum of all cash/bank transactions below the list, a specified currency or the option All in system currency must be selected in the filter panel.

More information on filters may be found in the category Searching and filtering data.

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