Additional cost corrections

Additional cost correction is only available for two types of documents:

  • purchase invoices – correction can be issued manually
  • PO receipts – correction can be only generated automatically, by the system, as the result of change of additional costs on a purchase invoice related to this PO receipt

Adding new purchase invoice additional costs corrections (PIAC) is possible upon marking a PI document (approved or posted) on a list and selecting [Correct → Additional Costs]. A form partially completed with data retrieved from the source document is opened. The following items are editable:

  • document date
  • field Delivery
  • Handled by
  • center, on behalf of which the document is being issued
  • reason for correction
  • additional costs
  • description
  • attribute
  • analytical description
  • attachments

The other data must be consistent with the source document, therefore it cannot be edited.

The most important tab of a PIAC document is the tab Additional Costs, where it is possible to correct additional costs. The tab is handled in the same way as the tab Additional Costs on purchase invoice, but its data is slightly different – it contains additional information.

When issuing a PIAC, to the tab Additional Costs are automatically added items containing additional costs assigned to the source PI and to all PIAC previously issued to this PI.

Until a PIAC is confirmed:

  • it is possible to add new additional cost items
  • it is possible to correct already existing additional cost items
  • it is not possible to remove additional cost items deriving from the source PI or other PIAC
  • it is possible to delete items added by the operator to the current PIAC document

The list of additional costs contains the following columns:

Acquisition Price – contains parameter informing whether a given additional cost affects the acquisition price. For items retrieved from a source document or other PIAC, the parameter is greyed out. It can only be edited for new items with additional costs.

Name – displays additional cost name. For items retrieved from a source document or other PIAC, the parameter is greyed out. It can only be edited for new items with additional costs. This field operates the same way as on PI form.

Value Before Correction (system currency symbol) – value of additional cost expressed in the system currency, resulting from document on which this cost was added, corrected by possible PIAC documents including this cost and preceding the current PIAC. If item with a given cost has been added on the current PIAC, the field takes on value 0.00. This field is not editable in any case.

Correction Value (system currency symbol) – value by which an additional cost is to be increased or decreased. If a cost is being decreased, the maximum value by which it can be decreased cannot exceed value from field Value Before Correction – a total of both fields cannot be less than 0. For an item with additional cost calculated as a percentage of PI or VPI, the correction value is calculated in the following way: (current percentage of document * value of document retrieved as a cost in the system currency) – (percentage of document before correction * value of document retrieved as a cost in the system currency).

Correction Value in Currency – field filled in automatically by the system only if an item with additional cost refers to PI or VPI. Value of this field is calculated in the following way: (current percentage of document * 523 Logistics Version: 2019.0 value of document retrieved as a cost in the document currency) – (percentage of document before correction * value of document retrieved as a cost in the document currency)

Currency – displays currency in which a given additional cost is expressed.

Document Percentage – percentage of a document indicated as additional cost. When correcting an item with such cost, percent of document value which must be used as an additional cost after the correction should be specified in this field. On this basis, the system calculates value of additional cost correction. Minimum value which can be entered here is 0.00%, which indicates that item with additional cost has been entirely corrected. Maximum possible value in this field is 100.00%.

PI1 is issued, document value is 100 USD

  • PI2 is issued, document value is 50 USD, additional cost from another PI document is added:
    • acquisition price: Yes, name: PI1, value in system currency: 50.00, value in currency: 50.00, currency: USD, document percentage: 50%
  • PIAC is issued to PI2, cost from the source PI2 is automatically transferred to tab Additional Costs Acquisition:
    • acquisition price: Yes, value before correction (USD): 50.00, name: PI1, correction value (USD): 0.00, correction value in currency: 0.00, currency: USD, document percentage: 50%

Additional cost must be decreased so that after correction it will be 40% of PI1 value. To do so, 40% should be entered in Document Percentage field. The system automatically calculates correction value which is – 10.00

Below the list of additional costs, there is a panel available regarding costs division algorithm – the same as on a PI. On each PIAC, the operator can decide whether value by which additional costs are corrected (increased or decreased) is to be divided into document items according to one of the following algorithms: quantitative, value-based, weighed or volumetric, or according to the operator’s preferences.

If PIAC is issued to a PI including at least one item for which POR for full quantity from that PI has not been generated, in tab Additional Costs of the PIAC it will not be possible to enter negative value of correction. The system will enable only increasing the additional cost value.

When confirming a PIAC:

  • If it corrects additional costs affecting acquisition price and a POR for the PI associated with it already exists – the system automatically generates confirmed PORAC documents to relevant PO receipts
  • If none of the additional costs being corrected affects acquisition price – PORAC is not generated
  • If it was created for a PI without a POR – PORAC will not be generated; when generating POR for this PI later, the POR will include additional costs from both the PI and all the PIAC associated with it which had been created before the POR was generated
If no additional costs have been calculated on a PI, it is possible to add a positive additional cost only on a PIAC document.

If PORAC is created as a result of PIAC, the system:

  • updates acquisition value on unconfirmed warehouse documents for released items (SOR, IR-, WM-) which collect the corrected resource
  • generates CC to confirmed warehouse documents for released items which released or returned the corrected resource (SOR, SORQC, IR-, IR-QC, WM+)
  • updates acquisition value of the corrected resource still available in the warehouse
  • in case of AVCO resource collection method:
    • if the total of additional costs of a given resource still available in the warehouse and the value by which additional costs have been corrected is greater than zero (e.g. value of additional costs of a resource = 10 USD, value by which the costs have been corrected = -7 USD, total: 10 USD – 7 USD = 3 USD > 0), then the system adds/subtracts the value by which additional costs have been corrected to/from the value of additional costs on this resource
    • if the total of additional costs of a given resource still available in the warehouse and the value by which additional costs have been corrected equals zero (e.g. value of additional costs of a resource = 10 USD, value by which the costs have been corrected = -10 USD, total: 10 USD – 10 USD = 0 USD), then the system zeroes additional costs of the resource
    • if the total of additional costs of a given resource still available in the warehouse and the value by which additional costs have been corrected is less than zero (e.g. value of additional costs of a resource = 10 USD, value by which the costs have been corrected = -15 USD, total: 10 USD – 15 USD = -5 USD < 0), then the system zeroes additional costs of the resource and creates a cost correction for the difference of additional costs value before correction and value of the corrected costs, which indicates the correction of document for received items
    • if resources of a given items are no longer available in the warehouse, the system creates cost correction for the amount by which additional costs have been corrected

When canceling a PIAC, the system automatically cancels PORAC documents associated with it and performs operations which “undo” changes introduced in result of registering the PIAC/PORAC. Such cancellation has the same consequences as confirmation of a PIAC/PORAC with “opposite” value.

It is not possible to cancel PORAC directly. Such operation is performed by canceling the associated:

  • PIAC – if PORAC has been created in result of PIAC confirmation
  • PI – if PORAC has been created in result of PIAC confirmation on which additional costs were added and that PI had been generated from POR

PORAC document is very similar to PORVC. The elements distinguishing PORAC from PORVC are as follows:

  • lack of Amounts tab
  • data is always presented in the system currency
  • acquisition value and prices and not purchase value and prices are corrected

In a PORAC document:

  • it is possible to edit correction date in documents with statuses different than Posted and Canceled
  • the date of receipt from the POR is set as correction date, if the purchase date in the PI is earlier than the receipt date in the POR (e.g. purchase date in the PI: 01.01.2019, receipt date in the POR: 01.03.2019), then, in the POR document, the receipt date from the POR 01.03.2019 is set as correction date
  • the receipt date from the POR is set as correction date, if the correction date in the PORAC is earlier that the receipt date in the POR

There are only two cases in which PORAC document can be created:

  • if PIAC corrects additional costs affecting acquisition price and a POR for PI associated with the PIAC already exists
  • if POR has been generated to a PI on which additional costs affecting acquisition price were added


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