Manual value correction

In a value correction of an item form, in section Calculation – After Correction, it is possible to define the price and value. The quantity is automatically transferred from section Calculation – Before Correction.

Corrections to documents for released items SI and R do not have Subitem section, because items available in them do not relate to resources in warehouse.

In the case of PIVC, changing the price and the value of an item affects the purchase and acquisition costs of items located in a warehouse.

For each item the system independently creates one subitem of a manual PIVC in which only the warehouse can be changed. The value of such a subitem is determined on the basis of the subtotal value of an item of a correction expressed in the system currency. A user cannot delete/add a subitem. If the correction of a given document is to relate to many warehouses, a user will need to create many items on a document of manual PIVC.

While confirming a PIVC the system generates a CC document on the basis of its subitems. In this way, the whole value of a correction is reflected in the sales cost correction. However, the system will not correct the value of warehouse resources. It is caused by the fact that we do not know which resources are to be corrected.

Warehouse documents are not generated to manual value corrections, such corrections do not cause any warehouse move.


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