Corrections generated to documents registered in the system

The following types of documents can be corrected with the use of corrections generated to documents:

  • trade (SI, ASI, R, PI, API)
  • warehouse (SOR, POR, IR-, IR+)

Quantity corrections can be issued to the following types documents:

  • trade (SI, R, PI)
  • warehouse (SOR, POR, IR+, IR-)

Value corrections can be issued to the following types of documents:

  • trade (SI, ASI, R, PI, API)
  • warehouse (SOR, POR, IR+)

VAT rate corrections can be issued to the following types of documents:

  • trade (SI, R)
  • warehouse (SOR)

Additional cost corrections can be issued to the following types of documents:

  • trade (PI)
  • warehouse (POR)


10 pcs of article were sold at price 5 USD/pcs – SI was registered in the system.

A customer decided to return 3 pcs of purchased item (price 5 USD/pcs) – a quantity correction of the SI document for 3pcs is being issued.

In case of issuing another correction to the SI document, as the result of previous transactions 7pcs at price of 5 USD. Thereby, the second correction (of any type) regards only those 7 pcs.

It is possible to issue many corrections to one document. Each subsequent correction always regards quantity and value after the previous correction, not quantity and value of the source document.

Issuing quantity or value corrections to trade documents results in automatic generation of new payments. The type of a newly created payment (receivable/payable) depends on the value of a correction (negative, positive) and the type of a corrected document. E.g. for a correction decreasing value of a SI a payment of payable type is created and for an increasing correction. The functionality of payments created as the result of correction is the same as the functionality of payments of the source documents. Payment on the source documents remains unchanged.

Corrections to documents issued in currency different than the system currency have the same currency and exchange rate as the source document. Exchange rate is not changed neither when the date of issue of a correction is different than issue date of the source document.

Correction of a currency document has the same exchange rate as its source document.

During work with correcting documents it is necessary to remember that:

  • one correction document can correct:
    • quantity
    • value
    • additional costs
    • VAT rate
  • it is not possible to correct all values at the same time
  • it is possible to issue several corrections to one document; each subsequent correction takes into account corrections issued previously
  • it is not possible to issue correction to an initiated, unconfirmed or cancelled document
  • before issuing another correction, first it is necessary to confirm or delete previously issued corrections
  • it is not possible to issue correction to a correction
  • it is not possible to issue correction to a receipt converted into invoice – the invoice should be corrected
  • it is not possible to issue correction of a warehouse document associated with a trade document – first it is necessary to correct the trade document
  • it is not possible to generate quantity correction to IR+ and IR- if IR+ and IR- are generated from manual quantity corrections
  • it is possible to generate value correction to IR+ created as the result of generation from manual SIQC and RQC
  • it is possible to generate quantity and value corrections to IR+ and IR- issued from inventory and complaint
  • an issued correction cannot be deleted, it can only be cancelled
  • it is not possible to issue a quantity correction to documents for received items, if resources received with such documents have been completely released, reserved or moved to another warehouse, to which the center within which an operator wants to issue the correction, does not have permissions
  • it is not possible to cancel a correction after which has been issued another correction
  • it is not possible to cancel quantity corrections issued to documents for released items If resources returned with correction have been released with another document or moved to another warehouse
  • item name and code are determined on the basis of the item from the source document, without possibility to edit name
  • it is not possible to generate a correction if it does not have permission to the warehouse from the source document
  • it is possible to modify fields Volume, Net Weight, Gross Weight on a correction issued to document, in section Correction Value. Units related with these fields are not editable.
  • on manual quantity corrections, fields related to weight and volume are fully editable,
  • both in section Calculation – Before correction and Correction Value
  • in the case of value corrections of trade documents, value corrections are automatically generated to warehouse documents associated with the source trade document
  • in the case of quantity corrections of trade documents and of warehouse documents, it is possible to generate correction automatically or manually. Automatic generation of quantity corrections of warehouse documents can be defined in configuration of document types (Configuration → Company Structure → Company → Documents).
  • it is not possible to generate corrections to trade documents from corrections of warehouse documents. Detailed information can be found in category Generation of documents.

Methods of presenting corrections

Creating correction to a document results with associating of the two documents with each other. The documents are available from the level of the same list, e.g. corrections to SI are displayed on the list of SI.

From the level of the list, the user can select one of the options regarding presentation of correcting documents:

  • below the source document
  • on the list

Access to corrections placed below the source document is possible by clicking on symbol “+” located next to each document number displayed on the list. As a result, a list of corrections associated with a given document is extended. That way, the user can see the documents associated with each other already from the level of a list.

List of SI with the option of displaying corrections below the source document

When presenting corrections directly on the list, the only way to find the association between a correction and its source document, is by displaying tab Associated Documents in document details. Thanks to such a presentation, the user can quickly find a correction.

List of SI with the option of displaying corrections directly in a list

It is possible to change the method of displaying corrections on the list at any time while working with the system.


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