Manual corrections

Manual corrections allow for correcting:

  • quantity
  • value
  • VAT rate

and concern the following documents:

  • sales invoices
  • receipts
  • purchase invoices

To be able to issue manual corrections, it is necessary to grant the permission Generation of manual correction from the level of the operator group, in tab Other Permissions.

Manual corrections are based on standard correction documents generated to documents. They are presented on the same lists, use the correction definitions, as well as the numeration scheme of a corresponding correction.

Owing to the fact that the manual correction does not have any source document, a user has to independently define the basic data relating, among others, to:

  • document header data – customer, transaction type, correction date, etc.
  • currency and exchange rate
  • data relating to the source document – number and date of a corrected document
  • data relating to items – item, quantity and price before correction, quantity and price after correction
  • costs of returned merchanise
  • features of returned merchanise
  • warehouse in which the merchanise is to be received (SIQC, RQC) or from which it is to be released (PIQC)

The warehouse documents generated to quantity corrections are internal documents: -IR-, IR+.

It is not possible to generate warehouse documents to several manual corrections at the same time.

Manual value corrections generated to documents for released items do not affect neither the value of resources in a warehouse nor their quantity. Their issue is only related to the refund or acceptance of a receivable arising from changing the price of items of a document for released items. The question of PIVC looks slightly different. It does not concern any specific purchase document, and thus any specific resources, therefore the whole manual purchase value correction is reflected in a cost correction document (CC) that is generated to it.

Properties of manual corrections:

  • manual corrections (not associated with warehouse documents) do not affect the quantity of resources in a warehouse, neither the reserved quantity nor the ordered quantity
  • one correcting document can correct either the quantity or the value in a primary document; simultaneous correction of both of them is not possible
  • manual corrections are issued to documents SI, R and PI from outside the system
  • it is not possible to issue a manual correction to a set
  • it is not possible to issue a manual correction to a warehouse document
  • the item name which is an item of correction is subject to edition, but only if the parameter Edit item name has been checked in the item form
  • it is not possible to delete a confirmed correction; it can be canceled only
  • it is not possible to generate warehouse documents to unconfirmed or canceled quantity corrections
  • no warehouse documents are generated to value manual corrections
  • automatic generation of warehouse documents to manual corrections is contingent on the settings in the types of correction documents
  • the code and name of the item in a IR+/IR- document generated from a manual correction are determined on the basis of the item from the source document, whereas it is possible to edit the name (providing that the parameter Edit item name has been checked in the item form)
  • a quantity correction can be confirmed only if there exists at least one item with a non-zero quantity
  • a value correction can be confirmed only if there exists at least one item with a non-zero quantity
  • w celu zatwierdzenia korekty faktur, musi być zdefiniowany kontrahent
  • to confirm invoice corrections a customer/vendor must be defined
  • Tab Associated Documents, besides a standard list of associated documents, contains also section concerning the “source“ document. It allows for defining source document number, issue date and sales/purchase date.

Manual corrections are displayed as “flat” in a list of the corresponding document types, regardless of the option of displaying corrections (on the list/below the source document). In column Warehouse, warehouse documents IR+, IR- that correspond to the manual corrections are displayed. The column will be empty for value manual corrections.

Button [Manual Correction] in the group of buttons Corrections, including the available option of selection of the type of correction – value, quantity, is used for creating a new correction.

Generating invoice correction to receipt manual correction

It is possible to generate (value and quantity) invoice correction to a confirmed (value and quantity) receipt manual correction. The generated invoice reflects receipt correction document. It is not possible to add/delete items from such correction.

It is not possible to generate invoice correction from several receipt manual corrections. Such generation is possible only for one marked document.

The following fields can be modified on a generated invoice correction document:

  • Reference number
  • Reason for Correction
  • Date of Issue
  • Perameter Confirmation
  • Delivery Method
  • Reason for VAT Exemption
  • Owner
  • Handled By
  • VAT Account

In the case if a RQC document:

  • is associated with warehouse document, generated invoices are also associated with it.
  • is not associated with warehouse document, such a warehouse document can be generated from the level of created SIQC.

The same as in case of generating invoices on the basis of receipts, also in case of generating invoice corrections payments are completed and analyzed from the level of source document (RQC/RVC).

After confirming receipt manual correction and generating invoice to it, depending on system language version, the system:

  • does not generate VAT invoice correction – it will be created only for CRS document – for Polish system version

Specifying VAT account in invoice correction document and generating VAT invoice correction to RQC/RVC depends on value of parameter Generate VAT invoices in VAT account to invoices issued from receipts.

  • generates VAT correction to receipt; VAT invoice correction document is not be created for invoice generated from receipt manual correction – other language versions

After a VSIC is generated in result of generating invoice correction to receipt manual correction, parameter Invoice to Receipt is checked in the header of such document, without the possibility to edit it.

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