Context scanning

Comarch Retail POS, it is possible to identify a scanned object based on a code format defined for it.

A trade document is issued, and the operator scans a customer’s card. It results in the automatic assignment of this customer to the active document. Scanning a card in a different place in the application opens the customer form.

The section POS Workstations on the ribbon (in the tab POS Workstations available upon editing a center of the Company type) has been provided with a new button [Barcode Templates].

Barcode Templates button

Selecting this button opens a list enabling the definition of code format templates for particular objects. Code formats have the form of a regular expression. The list is composed of three columns:

  • Object Name – a selection field for the available types of objects: Item, Document, Customer, Voucher, Employee
  • Code Format – a text field where a regular expression can be entered
  • – this column is hidden by default

 Code format templates are defined within a company, and once they are saved, they are automatically sent to all POS workstations attached to centers subsidiary to a given company.

If barcode templates are configured for the parent company, they will not be sent to subsidiary centers of the Company type.
Places  where scanning an object barcode will not result in any action are:

  • Logon screen
  • Modal windows (e.g. messages, adding customer address)
  • The view of starting/ending a day (unless a customer is scanned)

Except for defining code formats, it is also necessary to activate the functionality of context scanning by selecting a relevant parameter on the center form in the tab POS Workstations.

Parameter Scan barcodes according to context

Context scanning of a customer

If a customer code is scanned:

  • The indicated customer is added as Customer/Secondary Customer in a document (R, SI, SQ, SO, ASI, SCL, TF, or in a manual correction). Context scanning for the Customer object is deactivated in the case of export confirmations in TF documents
  • The indicated customer is added to CD/CW documents as Payer
  • The indicated customer should be searched on the list of customers
  • The indicated customer’s form will open in any other place in the preview mode

Context scanning of an item

If an item code (or lot number) is scanned:

  • The indicated item should be searched on the list of items
  • In any other place, the application will open the list of items narrowed down to the selected item/lot
  • The indicated item will be added as a document item in a document (it does not refer to TF documents)

Upon scanning a lot number in the window Select Properties (feature selection), the application will search for a relevant lot of a given item and substitute it on the list of document items.


Context scanning of an employee

If an employee/operator card is scanned:

  • The indicated employee will be added in the field Handled By in R, SI, corrections, SO, SQ, WM-, RDR, CD, CW, ASI, SCL, TF
  • The indicated employee will be added in the field Handled By in the window of starting/ending a day
  • In any other place, this action will not give any results
Scanning an employee will not select him/her in the field Payer in CD/CW documents.


Context scanning of a document

If a document number is scanned:

  • The indicated document will be searched on the list of documents of a given type
  • The document will be searched locally in any other place (also among parked documents). After the search, a window with the preview of a given document will be displayed. If the searched document is parked, it will be opened in the editing mode.

Context scanning of a voucher

If a voucher is scanned (as long as it is not associated with a customer as a loyalty card):

  • In a trade document, the voucher will be added as an item for sale
  • In CD/CW documents, payment form will be defined as Own voucher
  • In the payment window the application will open the window of adding own vouchers and the indicated voucher will be added to it
  • In other places of the system, the list of items narrowed down to the indicated voucher is opened


If a voucher associated with a customer as a loyalty card is scanned (in the same way as a customer code):

  • In documents, the customer associated with the indicated voucher will be set as Customer/Secondary Customer
  • In other places of the system, the application opens for preview the form of of the selected customer


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