

Selecting [Items] tile in the main window or from a side menu displays the list of items defined in Comarch ERP Standard system which are shared for the structure center to which a given POS workstation is attached. The application synchronizes all item group classification categories that are active in Comarch ERP Standard system. The user can define new item classification groups in generic directory General → Item Classification Categories. A category can be made available in Comarch ERP Standard from the level of Configuration → Company Structure → Object Availability, after selecting an appropriate center and Item Group object.


Comarch ERP Retail handles items of the Set type in trade and warehouse documents. Sets are defined in ComArch ERP Standard system. Because of differences in handling, it is possible to specify two types of sets:

  • Items of the Set type with the parameter Retrieve elements onto document selected
  • Items of the Set type with the parameter Retrieve elements onto document deselected

Description of the above-mentioned items of Set type can be found in article Item of Set type.


This functionality allows a user to buy back items appropriately marked in the system.

The parameter Handle buy-back enabling this functionality in Comarch ERP Standard system is available in Comarch ERP Standard, from the level System → Configuration → Trade, in section Items. If this parameter is checked, the parameter Buy-back is available on item form, enabling the user to determine a given item as merchandise or service subject to buy-back.

An operator can confirm a sales document including items of Buy-back type only if possesses Confirm buy-back permission, which is granted in Comarch ERP Standard system, in tab POS Permissions, upon opening his/her group for edition.

Reverse charge

The reverse charge functionality allows the user to transfer the responsibility for paying a transaction tax from the vendor to the customer.

The Handle reverse charge parameter activating the functionality of reverse charge in Comarch ERP Standard system is available from the level of SystemConfigurationTrade. Once it is selected, the Reverse charge parameter is displayed on the item and customer/vendor form.

The parameter can no longer be deactivated once synchronization with Comarch Retail POS is performed.

In Comarch Retail POS, a VAT rate for an item subject to reverse charge is set according to the configuration of the parameter VAT rate for reverse charge available in Comarch ERP Standard system from the level of Configuration VAT Rates.


Item images presented in Comarch Retail POS are defined in Attachment’s tab, available on item form. Defining of new attachments has been described in article <<Defining new attachment>>. An appropriate attachment must be <<assigned to an item>>. It is also necessary to specify the availability of the attachment, by checking Retail parameter on the list of attachments. To display one of the photos as a thumbnail, it is necessary to set the parameter in the Retail column as default for it. An attachment is set as default for an item by triple-clicking in the checkbox, which checks and frames the parameter.

Analytical group of items

<<Sales per item group>> is configured in Comarch ERP Standard system from the level of Object Availability à Item Groups. In order to present information for a given item group in a POS workstation summary which is created on a POS workstation, it is necessary to select a checkbox in a relevant row of the column POS Analytical Group.

POS Analytical Group column displayed for the object Item Groups

Editing item name on unconfirmed document

At POS workstations, it is possible to <<change the name of an item>> in unconfirmed R, SI, SO, and SQ documents, and in manual correction. If the parameter Edit item name has been selected on the form of a given item, the user may change the item name displayed in a document. To do so, it is necessary to check parameter Edit item name on the <<form of a given item>>.

A modified name is available only in a document in which it has been entered and documents generated from it later. For more information about editing item name in unconfirmed documents, refer to <<Name edition>> article.


Items with a defined feature (affecting lots) are presented as separate list items for each lot.

<<Features are defined>> in Comarch ERP Standard, on item form, in Parameters tab. More information regarding selecting of item features on an issued document can be found in article <<Selecting lot features>>.

<<Text filter>> field available on the list of items allows for searching items basing on defined features.


Item barcodes which uniquely identify items and allow for scanning them with the use of SKANER?, are defined in Comarch ERP Standard system, on item form, in Parameters -> Codes tab.

The functionality of related items allows for associating items which are often sold together. <<Associations between items are created>> in Comarch ERP Standard.

<<Related items>> are presented in Comarch Retail POS for a selected item of a document being issued, in the workspace on the right side of the window. This section will not be displayed if a selected item does not have related items defined.

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